English idioms / Английские идиомы
A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush ( keep what you have and don't be greedy for more) лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе
Дословный перевод: лучше одна птица в руках, чем две в кусте (храни то, что имеешь и не жадничай к большему)
Examle: Dan has asked me to go to a party with him. What if my boyfriend finds out? I don't know if I should go. Reply: "Don't go. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush means that we should be happy with what we have and not risk losing it by being greedy and trying to get more.
A Blessing In Disguise ( a good thing that you don't recognize at first as a good thing )
Дословный перевод: скрытое (замаскированное) благо (что-то хорошее, что ты вначале не оценил)
Examle: The hotel is full tonight; we will need to find a new place to stay. Answer: "Maybe it's just a blessing in disguise; I've been wanting to try a new place anyway.
Examle: I lost my job and was upset at first, but I found a better one and have been much happier since. Answer: Losing your job was just a blessing in disguise!
It is as if the good thing (a blessing) were wearing the clothes (in disguise) of some other thing, so at first you do not see it as the good thing that it really is.
A Chip On Your Shoulder (angry because of what happened in the past ... )
Дословный перевод: шепка (ничего не стоящая вещь) на твоем плече (человек который имеет "a chip on his shoulder" злой из-за того, что случилось в прошлом)
Example: "He lost his game this morning, and now he has a chip on his shoulder."
Example: "Watch out for that guy, he's got a chip on his shoulder."
Example: "What's bothering that guy?" Reply: "Nothing. He's just got a chip on the shoulder."
It is easy for a person to get in a fight when he has a chip on his shoulder, because he is already angry about something else. To start a fight, men used to put chips of wood on their shoulder and challenge others to "try to knock it off."
A Dime A Dozen ( cheap and easy to get ... )
Дословный перевод: дюжена монет в десять центов (так говорят, когда можно получить что-то легко и дешево)
Example: "Do you think I should buy this now and bring it with us?" Answer: "Don't bother; those are a dime a dozen where we are going."
Example: "Look what I found!" Answer: "That's nothing special; those are a dime a dozen."
Example: "I don't need friends like him; they are a dime a dozen."
It is easy to find a dime (a 10 cent US coin), and a dozen (12) of something is a common, everyday unit of measure. You are not in a hurry to get a thing which is a dime a dozen because it is not so special and you could get one any time you wanted.
A Drop In The Bucket ( not important ... ) капля в море
Дословный перевод: капля в ведре (это что-то неважное из-за своей незначительности)
Example: "I'm sorry I scratched your car." Reply: "Don't worry about it. It's just a drop in the bucket. That car has more scratches on it than I can count."
Example: "When I think how many people there are in the world, I realize that my own problems are just a drop in the bucket."
Example: "I'd like to do something to change the world, but whatever I do seems like a drop in the bucket."
There are so many "drops" in a "bucket" of water that we could not count them all, so any one drop is really not that important.
A Fool And His Money Are Easily Parted (foolish people lose money easily ... )
Дословный перевод: глупец легко расстается со своими деньгами
Example: "How is it that you left home with 20 dollars but you come home with nothing? A fool and his money are easily parted!"
Example: "Her husband can't seem to hold onto any amount of money; he either spends it or loses it. A fool and his money are easily parted."
"A fool and his money are easily parted" means that it is easy for a foolish person to lose his money.If you spend money carelessly and are cheated easily then you are a fool.
A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned ( saving money is hard work and happens one penny at a time ... ) копейка рубль бережет
Дословный перевод: пенни сэкономленная - пенни заработанная
Example: "I'm going to give you $20 but I want you to put it in the bank; a penny saved is a penny earned!"
Example: "My dad never lets me spend money on things I don't need. He always says a penny saved is a penny earned."
"A penny saved is a penny earned" means that little by little you will save money by not spending your money. Not spending money has the same result as earning money, so to save a penny is the same as earning a penny.
A Piece Of Cake ( easy to do ... )
Дословный перевод: кусок пирога (так говорят о чем-либо, что легко сделать)
Example: "Can you finish your homework in ten minutes?" Reply: "It will be a piece of cake."
Example: "How was your test today?" Reply: "It was a piece of cake."
Example: "Do you expect to win your tennis match today?" Reply: "It will be a piece of cake."
"A piece of cake" is so easy to do that it is like eating a piece of cake. You say "piece of cake" to show how very easy it is for you to do something.
A Shot In The Dark ( a guess when you don't know the facts ... )
Дословный перевод: выстрел в темноте (предположение, когда ты не знаешь или не уверен, что знаешь факты)
Example: "How did you know I was from America?" Reply: "Just a shot in the dark."
Example: "That was a tough question. How did you get it right?" Reply: "I just took a shot in the dark."
Example: "How old do you think I am?" Reply: "I have no idea." Answer: "Really, come on. Take a shot in the dark."
To take a shot is to guess at the answer. You are in the dark when you are not clear about the facts. You take a shot in the dark when you try to guess the answer to a question but you are not sure of the facts.
A Slap On The Wrist ( a slight punishment ... )
Дословный перевод: удар по запястью (легкое наказание)
Example: "He should be in jail for what he did, but he got off with just a slap on the wrist."
Example: "You got off easy this time, but stealing is a serious crime and next time it won't just be a slap on the wrist."
Example: "The police have gotten very serious about prosecuting drunk drivers. Nowadays you don't just get a slap on the wrist; they will throw you in jail."
A slap on the wrist is a punishment that is very mild. A slap on the wrist is a light, almost gentle punishment for doing something wrong. When the punishment turns out to be less than was expected, it is considered a slap on the wrist.
A Slip Of The Tongue ( to say something by accident ... )
Дословный перевод: промах (скольжение) языка (сказать что-то случайно)
Example: "I didn't mean to say that! It was just a slip of the tongue."
Example: "Be careful talking to the police tomorrow; one slip of the tongue could get us into big trouble."
When you say something by accident - something which you did not mean to say - you have made a slip of the tongue. When you are walking and one of your feet slip, you lose your footing and sometimes you fall down; when you make a slip of the tongue, you misstep with your words (the tongue) and say something that you did not plan to say.
A Taste Of Your Own Medicine ( a lesson where other people treat you the same way you treat them in order to teach you that you are acting badly ... )
Дословный перевод: вкус твоей собственной пилюли (урок, когда другие люди обходяться с тобой так же как и ты с ними, что бы показать тебе, в чем ты плохо себя повел)
Example: "Did you see those two people cutting in front of us in line just now? Let's cut in front of them and give them a taste of their own medicine!"
Example (this is aggressive): "I saw you pushing my brother yesterday... maybe I should give you a taste of your own medicine!"
Example: "He's always interrupting people when they are talking; what he deserves is a taste of his own medicine!"
Example: "It looks like she got a taste of her own medicine."
It is like medicine because you think it is good for the other person to learn that they are treating others unfairly, even if the lesson does not taste good. If a man acts rudely to others, for example, acting rudely back to him would be giving him "a taste of his own medicine." Most "medicine" does not taste good; "your own medicine" is the way you act towards other people; you get "a taste of your own medicine".
A Toss-Up ( the results have not been decided ... ) пятьдесят на пятьдесят
Дословный перевод: подбрасывание монеты, жеребьевка, что-то сомнительное (результаты не определены, сомнительны)
Example: It is a toss up whether we will win or lose.
Example: "Do you think they'll make it one time?" Answer: "I really don't know. It's a toss-up."
When something is very close and we can't tell if it should be one way or the other, we say that it is a toss-up. When something is a "toss-up", we are not sure what the result will be. The analogy is to tossing a coin as a way of making a decision.
A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing ( one who is dangerous while pretending to be harmless ... ) волк в овечьей шкуре
Дословный перевод: волк в овечьей шкуре (кто-либо опасный прикидывается что не опасен)
Example: "I want you to stay away from that boy. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing."
Example: "I do not trust the sales people at that store. They are all wolves in sheep's clothing."
Example: "She may look cute, but that girl is a wolf in sheep's clothing."
"A wolf in sheep's clothing" is a person who plans to do something bad ("a wolf") while pretending to be good and innocent ("in sheep's clothing"). In past times wolves had a reputation as wild and dangerous animals that hunted and killed sheep."A wolf in sheep's clothing" is a very dangerous wolf because we do not prepare ourselves for the attack.
An About Face ( turn around and face the opposite direction ... ) кругом !
Дословный перевод: повернись вокруг и посмотри в обратном направлении
Example: "If you ever discover that you are walking down a dangerous street, it is best to do an about face and walk in the other direction."
Example: "I want you to do an about face, get back in that bathroom, and brush your teeth!"
To "do an about face" is also to change your position on something and take the opposite position. The term "about face!" is used in the military: The drill sergeant shouts "About face!" and all of the soldiers turn in one step to face the opposite direction.
Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder ( the time spent apart makes you care for a person even more ... )
Дословный перевод: отсутствие делает сердца более любящими, нежными
Example: "Does it bother you that your husband goes away on long business trips?" Reply: "No. The time we have spent apart has been good for us. Absence makes the heart grow fonder."
Example: "It is much easier to get along with your parents when you live away from home. You miss them so much and are glad when you see them." Reply: "It's true. Absence makes the heart grow fonder."
The word "absence" means to be away. To "grow fonder" is to care more. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" means that the time you spend away from one you love makes you love that person even more.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words ( we learn more from people's actions than from their words ... )дела говорят громче слов
Дословный перевод: дела горорят громче, чем слова (мы узнаем больше из деяний людей, чем из их слов)
Example: "Don't tell me how to do this; show me! Actions speak louder than words."
"Actions speak louder than words" means that if you want people to believe your words, you should "speak" with your actions.
Add Fuel To The Fire ( do something to make a bad situation worse ... ) >добавить масла в огонь
Дословный перевод: добавлять масло в огонь когда ты хочешь сделать плохую ситуацию еще хуже.
Example: "When those two are fighting, I don't get involved. It only adds fuel to the fire."
Example: "I wanted to help, but I was afraid I would add fuel to the fire."
Example: "Please don't talk to him when he's in a bad mood. It just adds fuel to the fire."
Adding "fuel" (such as wood or gas) to a burning "fire" makes the flames burn even higher and brighter. Sometimes you get involved because you want to help, but your involvement only makes the problem worse, adding fuel to the fire.